개발 잘 하고 싶다 => 알고 쓰자/JavaScript

[JavaScript] class, object, 객체지향

장 상 현 2021. 5. 19.

드림코딩 엘리님 강의


'use strict';

// Object-oriendted programming

// class : template

// object : instance of a class

// JavaScript classes

// - introduced in ES6

// - syntactical sugar over prototype-based inheritance


// 1. Class declarations

class Person {

    // constructor

    constructor(name, age) {

        // fields

        this.name = name;

        this.age = age;


    // methods

    speak() {

        console.log(`${this.name} : Hello!`);




const Hyun = new Person('Hyun'34);

console.log(Hyun.name); // Hyun

console.log(Hyun.age); // 34

Hyun.speak(); // Hyun : Hello!


// 2. Getter and setters

class User {

    constructor(firstName, lastName, age) {

        this.firstName = firstName;

        this.lastname = lastName;

        this.age = age;


    get age() { // get 으로 리턴

        return this._age;


    set age (value) { // set 으로 값 설정

        // if (value < 0) { // 공격적!!? 

        //     throw Error('age can not be negative');

        // }

        this._age = value < 0 ? 0 : value; // 보통 이렇게~?



// get age() : 게터 정의 된 순간 this.age는 메모리에 올라간 데이터를 읽는 것이 아닌 게터 호출.

// set age() :  세터 정의 된 순간 = age;할때, 즉 값을 할당할 때 바로 메모리 값을 할당하는 것이 아닌, 세터 호출

// 세터 안에서 전달된 value를 this.age에 할당할 때 메모리의 값을 업데이트 하는 것이 아니라 세터를 호출! 무한반복.

// 게터와 세터 안에서 사용되는 변수명을 다르게! 통상적으로 _변수


const user1 = new User('Hyun''Jang'-1);

console.log(user1.age); // 0


// 3. Fields (public, private)

// Too soon!?

// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference

class Experiment {

    publicField = 2// 생성자 사용하지 않고 필드 정의. 퍼블릭(외부 접근 가능)

    #privateField = 0// #기호 붙이면 클래스 내부에서만 값이 보여지고 접근, 변경 가능!


const experiment = new Experiment();

console.log(experiment.publicField); // 2

console.log(experiment.privateField); // undefined


// 4. Static properties and methods

// Too sonn!?

class Article {

    static publisher = 'Dream Coding';

    constructor(articleNumber) {

        this.articleNumber = articleNumber;


    static printPublisher() {




// 클래스 안의 필드와 메소드들은 새 오브젝트를 만들 때 마다 복제되어 값만 지정된 값으로 변경되어 만들어지는데

// 간혹 이런 오브젝트, 데이터와 상관 없이 클래스가 갖고 있는 고유값과 데이터와 상관 없이 동일하게 반복되어 사용되는 메소드가 있을 수 있는데

// static 키워드를 붙이면 오브젝트에 상관 없이 클래스 자체에 연결!?


const article1 = new Article(1);

const article2 = new Article(2);

console.log(article1.publisher); // undefined // static은 클래스 자체에 붙었기 때문에

console.log(Article.publisher); // Dream Coding // 오브젝트가 아닌 클래스에서 호출해 사용!

Article.printPublisher(); // Dream Coding

// 오브젝트, 들어오는 데이터와 상관 없이 공통적으로 클래스에서 쓸 수 있는 거라면 static, static method를 이용하여 작성하면 메모리 사용량 감소!


// 5. Inheritance

// a way for one class to extend another class.

class Shape {

    constructor(width, height, color) {

        this.width = width;

        this.height = height;

        this.color = color;


    draw() {

        console.log(`drawing ${this.color} color of`);


    getArea() {

        return this.width * this.height;




class Rectangle extends Shape {} // 상속!

class Triangle extends Shape { // overriding!

    draw() { // 재 정의!

        super.draw(); // 재 정의 후 기존 부모클래스의 함수 호출하고 싶다면 super!



    getArea() { // 역시 재 정의

        return ((this.width * this.height/ 2);


    toString() {

        return `Triangle : color : ${this.color}`// toString 오브젝트 상속하여 정의




const rectangle = new Rectangle(2020'blue');

rectangle.draw(); // drawing blue color of

console.log(rectangle.getArea()); // 400


const triangle = new Triangle(2020'red');

triangle.draw(); // drawing red color of // 오버라이딩 후엔 출력되지 않음! // 재정의한 함수만 호출!

console.log(triangle.getArea()); // 200


// 6. Class checking instanceOf // 좌항이 우항을 상속받았는지 true of false 로 검증!

console.log(rectangle instanceof Rectangle); // true

console.log(triangle instanceof Rectangle); // flase

console.log(triangle instanceof Triangle); // true

console.log(triangle instanceof Shape); // ture

console.log(triangle instanceof Object); // true // 우리가 자바스크립트에서 만든 모든 오브젝트 클래스들은 자바스크립트의 오브젝트를 상속!

console.log(triangle.toString()); // Triangle : color : red // 오브젝트의 오브젝트를 상속받아 출력!

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